
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Welcome / Bem-vindo

Hey guys. How you doing? Truth is, I’ve been thinking about creating a blog for something that I used to do a couple of years ago. Writing chronicles about the most random stuff, specially things that seem small or micro but that are who we are and how we perceive life so they are crucial.
Here’s how it’s gonna be. YOU guys will determine this dialogue of ideas. YOU are gonna give me a subject and the most voted subject will get a chronicle written and posted right here. 
I promise you that this will not be philosophic quest for the meaning of life, but then again maybe it will, I’ll promise that a lot of typos and grammatical mistakes are gonna be written from my part, but then again I’m not a journalist or a scholar. I’m just a guy that loves stories and people, I think it’s more then enough for a nice party.

Welcome to MicroCrucial 

Ola pessoal. Tudo bem? A verdade é que eu já há algum tempo que ando a pensar em criar um blog para algo que eu costumava fazer há uns anos atrás. Escrever crônicas sobre as coisas mais aleatórias, especialmente as coisas que parecem pequenas ou micro mas que são quem nós somos e como nós interpretamos a vida logo são cruciais.
Isto vai funcionar da seguinte maneira. Vocês irão determinar este diálogo de idéias. Vão dar-me um assunto ou um motivo e o mais votado vai ser sobre o qual a crônica será escrita e postada aqui.
Eu prometo que isto não será a busca filosófica para o significado da vida, mas, e daí, porque não? eu prometo que erros ortográficos e gramaticais irão acontecer da minha parte, mas, eu não sou jornalista ou um catedrático. 
Talvez algumas das crônicas não serão as mais diplomáticas, talvez muitos dos assuntos até pareçam estupidos. Sou apenas alguém que adora histórias e pessoas e acho que é mais que suficiente para uma festa porreira. 
Bem-vindo ao MicroCrucial


  1. Please write here on the comments box what should be the first chronicle about.
    Escrevam aqui nos comentários qual o assunto que deve ser a primeira crônica.

    1. Hola Diogo!! Que hermosa idea!! Siempre buscando llegar al otro!! Sos un ser increible, un sol de persona!! Tu hermosa sonrisa es el reflejo de tu alma!! Todos los temas que propones son apasionantes pero hoy elijo Day Dreaming, ya que soy una soñadora que tiene la fe y la esperanza de que algun dia el amor pueda cambiar al mundo!! Gracias Diogo por tu noble esencia!! Saludos desde Argentina y muchos exitosss con esta nueva iniciativa porque te mereces los mejor!!!

    2. Ante todo felicitaciones por la idea Diogo! Siempre intentado llegar al otro!! Sos u increible, un sol de persona!! Tu hermosa sonrisa es el fiel reflejo de tu alma!! Todos los temas que propones son apasionantes, pero hoy elijo Day Dreaming, ya que soy una soñadora que tiene la fe y la esperanza que con amor y verdadera union algun dia podremos cambiar el mundo!! Graciasss por tu noble esencia y te deseo muchos exitos porque te mereces lo mejor!! Saludos desde Argentina!!

  2. Not sure what kind of chronicles you plan to do, but take a look at the blogs on my website for ideas.


    1. The thing here is not the chronicles I want to write.
      It is more about what chronicles you guys want to read.
      I think it's more interesting this being a space of shared ideas and thoughts. Thank you for your comment.

  3. Ola Diogo,

    Acho que poderias usar como mote para o inicio do teu blog, o cinema português.Seria como que uma pequena homenagem. Sou fã do cinema português e cada vez mais me apaixono, é triste ver os actores a lutarem tanto por um lugar ao sol.
    Desejo-te muito sucesso dentro e fora de terras lusas.


    Juliana Moreira

  4. Hi Diogo! This is a brilliant idea. How about writing about 'a simple smile' starting the day with a smile and ending the day with a simple smile. I like to observe people ... Many tend not to smile, especially to strangers. Why? Something to reflect upon...a simple smile.

  5. Olá Diogo! Admiro-te essa procura incessante de ligações com pessoas, histórias de vida. Por isso aqui vai uma ideia: as redes sociais juntam-nos ou afastam-nos como seres humanos?!

  6. Tradução/ translation: Hi Diogo! I really admire your endless search for connections with people, life stories. So here's an idea: social networks bring us together or tear us apart as human beings?!

    1. Se calhar aproximam-nos de quem está longe e afastam-nos de quem está perto...
      Maybe it brings us close to who's far away and tears us apart from who's just right beside us...

  7. Posso participar destes erros ortográficos e gramaticais, de crónicas policticamente incorretas ou incorrectas depende se escrevemos ou não segundo o acordo ortográfico e um pouco estupidas talvez. As histórias são par ser contadas e os assuntos discutidos e as ideias partilhadas. Por é só isto para começar. Boa sorte.

    1. Editando: As histórias são para serem contadas e os assuntos discutidos e as ideias partilhadas.Por hoje é só isto para começar.Desculpem mas esqueci-me de algumas palavras no comment acima.

  8. The first thing that came to my mind is "Inspirations". And I want to say congratulations & Godspeed on embarking on this delightful journey. You always inspire people who come to know you :)

  9. First of all, congratulations! This is a wonderful surprise & will be one exciting journey! It will be a very special journey because we get to have a privilege to go with YOU. I have always wished for your own blog or site where you can participate as the first party ( not as the 3rd party who has no choice but to watch) and also where fans around the world can excitingly communicate with you regardless of their cultures & languages. Christmas came early for us...Tada!!! Magic happened! Thank you for creating this wonderful place and we are FOREVER GRATEFUL. It's time to party with Diogo! Yay!!!! ;)

  10. As for the subject for your chronicles; how about " HAPPINESS"!!! Things that made / make you happy. It can be very trivial like drinking a cup of fresh brewed coffee with just baked croissants or something great like winning the awards.....but it is so important to everyone in life whatever their own terms of happiness may be. Some people go extra miles for this word just to feel and / or to achieve. Perhaps, the ultimate purpose of our life might be just that....." happiness ". Since it is the first page of your blog, I thought it will be so wonderful if we start with something HAPPY! :)

    1. Great idea SS!

      Lorrie ;)

    2. Thank you Lorrie, xx. We can go all philosophical and very comprehensive and deep in meanings (perhaps, we can do all those later)….BUT, since this AMAZING blog is to share and have fun, I thought it would be so wonderful, as the first blog page and also as an icebreaker, IF we all simply can share our “ TERMS & MOMENTS OF HAPPINESS " in life here with Diogo by replying his first chronicle post, whether it is big or trivial because the terms of happiness & life experiences are all unique & different to individuals from different backgrounds. I thought it would be so fun & very interesting to read each others' interpretations & moments of happiness & life experiences and then to exchange thoughts about them in one chronicle! ;)

  11. Cool idea. To start things off I vote for a post on some of the things you think are micro-crucial in everyday life and why. Maybe some examples of your favorite micro crucial things or experiences. I just think it iwould be an interesting post because I think what is micro and what is crucial can be very different from person to person for many interesting reasons. Whatever you post we will be reading.

  12. This is cool Diogo!
    Daydreaming. What causes people to daydream? Stresses of life, desires, out of boredom, a simple smell or sound? And what about? Another place in time, a memory, a different career or simply dreaming about a peaceful moment relaxing in a hammock when stuck in traffic?

    Sweet Regards,
    Lorrie :)

    1. I like this because we all daydream and some times "what ifs" open amazing doors. :)

    2. I really like Daydreaming as a micro crucial theme. Though all the suggested themes are very good, I am sure that for much of your public your smile your happiness and the source of inspirations you find are actually MEGA crucial. Daydreaming however though it may lead to a smile, bring a measure of happiness and be about sources of inspiration, it is a micro crucial part of life and I am curious to know if you Diogo, catch yourself daydreaming sometimes :)

  13. This is fantastic!

    I would like to see a post on the things that inspires you.


  14. Love this. Thank you Diogo.

    I'd like to see a post about your bucket list. :)


  15. Having troubles with my connection tried to send a suggestion and a vote and I am sure both failed :) This is what I would like to say:) Thank you Diogo :) this is brilliant! :) Looking forward to your writings :) A number of subjects come to mind :) but you said micro :) I have travelled a bit, mostly for work, living for years at a time outside Portugal so... How important does the thought of say...a Portuguese espresso coffee after a long time away from home? The small cup, the "ritual", the noises, the fragrance of fresh ground coffee beans and finally that special taste :) Does the world stop at the sight of the first "bica"? Or what other small thing do you like to do, or enjoy, as soon as you arrive that makes you feel at home? And why?

    1. I like this one because this can apply to anyone that has been away from home for a while. All 5 senses come to life in the comforts of home. Great idea!

  16. Wow this is a great story telling journey. I thought a great topic would be children. I recently read your birthday greeting to your son. My daughter just turned 30 and I did not know what to say to her. I thought I had said it all. But there is nothing like our love for our children. And since you inspired me to write more honestly to my own daughter. I would love to hear what others say. Parents just love their the most profound ways. Thank you. Sherry Christ

    1. Sorry I misunderstood. I vote for daydreaming. Must have been what I was doing when I replied the last.time.

  17. I voted for smile. Because just a smile from someone can change the whole day. Your smiles especially are electric! They light up the entire screen. I loved how you smiled in The Bible and Son of God. I never thought about Jesus smiling before! I always thought of His mission here on Earth as so serious, but He was human too! I'm sure He smiled just as you portrayed Him. Then in The Messengers your smile was so different and so evil. What magic there is in a smile. Yours is truly magical. Thank you, Diogo, for just being you!.....Nelda

  18. Bem vindo Diogo, vou acompanhar com atenção :)

  19. We live in such a "macro" world that we've come to the point of a super globalization. All things must be "macro" somehow: news, abilities, plans. As if little things did not matter anymore. I particularly believe tho, little things are the stuff life and dreams are made of. Micro-crucial details, those reminding us that little thing matters... that nothing is trivial. A smile, a source of inspiration - even ourselves - are made of micro-stuff (yes, pretty much like stardust) I'll go for whichever subject and whatever topic you guys pick, as long as it is not that scary-global type. After all, it is details that keep us real ;) Good luck on it~

  20. Diogo,hello.
    I like your site!I will be glad to see new articles here.
    God has a word for you.I am obliged to pass His word to you.I knock to you to pass a personal message from God.To what address can I send you this letter?
    Merry Christmas! Big blessings to you, Diogo!
