
Thursday, December 10, 2015

"Lack of Smile"

" Lack of Smile "

I know it has taken me a while to write this. I know I'm supposed to write about "smile." I know I'm supposed to bring an uplifting print to the world not only because it's suppose to be, but because I choose to, but sometimes... It's so hard... I could say that our face has 44 muscles and that it takes 16 muscles to produce a smile, and that if you think about it, you use less than 40% of your facial muscles to produce one of the most powerful and fascinating expressions of mankind. I can write about that, or... I can vomit that it's getting harder and harder to smile when there's so many lunatics in the world. When a group of people decide to go on the streets of France and start randomly killing people. What is this??? What is this???

More than my moaning, I want to share with the victims and their families my... lack of smile, my lack of will to move on, my lack of will to understand. At least in pre-historic barbaric times, we knew the nature of life back then, but today, in this so-called civilized world, where science has gone farther than ever, when more and more we connect with our spirituality and sense of who we are in the world... Where is this coming from???

Or I can just wonder why a change of expression on our face can affect people in the way it does.

It's true, for me there's nothing more fascinating than a person's smile... the way a person's smile can tell you more about them than anything that person might say.
I wonder if they smile too. I wonder if in the past I ever saw one of their smiles. One of those which hides true monsters, the ones that I would never be able to reproduce or understand.  I used to think a person who smiles looking straight at you was a person who's confident in themselves, as if saying "I'm here." Sometimes a person can look at you only for a short period of time until they pull away, and I used to think that meant the person was shy, but respectful and open.
I used to think a lot of things. Things that made me smile... Fascinating things about our human condition, wonderful things. But it's getting... so hard.  A kid takes a gun and kills half of a school. What are we living in?? What's the guideline here? It's something that hope, grief, faith, and sorrow cannot grasp. It shakes you to your foundation.

I wish they could see what I see, I wish they could feel what I feel and their hearts would warm up with happiness every time a child smiles, just like mine does. When a friend laughs at a friend's joke, when a mom smiles at a dad at their son's graduation, like "we did it," or when an older person giggles when his grandson asks "what's a videotape?"

We ALL have families or loved ones, what kind of lost soul would be willing to do such horrible things as ending people's lives simply out of rage, vengeance or religion, to cause even more pain?

I simply don't understand, I think I never will. I'm lucky I work with art and creativity, because I'm going to need a lot of it to come up with a world worth a smile to my son.

One of the terrorist of Paris attack
Um dos terroristas do ataque de Paris
" Falta de Sorriso "

Eu sei que me levou algum tempo para escrever está crónica. Eu sei que é suposto escrever sobre o "sorriso". Eu sei que é suposto ter uma impressão edificante e elevar o positivismo no mundo, não só porque é suposto, mas porque eu assim escolho, mas às vezes ... É tão difícil ... 
Eu poderia dizer que a nossa cara tem 44 músculos e que precisamos de 16 músculos para produzir um sorriso, e que, se pensarmos sobre isso, usamos menos de 40% dos nossos músculos faciais para produzir uma das expressões mais poderosas e fascinantes da humanidade. 
Eu posso escrever sobre isso, ou ... posso simplesmente vomitar que está ficando cada vez mais e mais difícil de sorrir, quando há tantos lunáticos do mundo. 
Quando há um grupo de pessoas decide ir pelas ruas de França e começar a matar pessoas aleatoriamente. O que é isto??? O que é isto???

Mais do que o meu lamento, eu quero compartilhar com as vítimas e suas famílias ... a minha falta de sorriso, a minha falta de vontade de seguir em frente, minha falta de vontade de entender. Pelo menos nos tempos bárbaros pré-históricos, sabíamos a natureza da vida naquela época, mas hoje, neste chamado mundo civilizado, onde supostamente nos sentimos seguros, onde a ciência tem ido mais longe do que nunca, quando mais e mais nos conectamos com nossa espiritualidade e sentido de quem somos no mundo ... De onde é que isto vem???

Ou então posso apenas me questionar de uma forma lúdica sobre o  porquê de uma mudança de expressão no rosto poder afetar as pessoas da forma que faz.

É verdade, para mim não há nada mais fascinante do que o sorriso de alguém  ... Para mim sorriso de uma pessoa pode dizer mais sobre ela do que qualquer coisa que essa pessoa poderia dizer.
Questionova-me se eles sorriem também. Será que no passado, eu já me cruzei com um, será que já vi um dos seus sorrisos. Um daqueles que esconde os verdadeiros monstros, daqueles que nunca seria capaz de reproduzir ou entender. 
Eu costumava pensar que uma pessoa que sorri olhando diretamente para nós era uma pessoa que é confiante de si, como se estivesse a dizer: "Eu estou aqui.
Às vezes uma pessoa pode olhar para nós  apenas por um curto período de tempo até afastar o olhar, e eu costumava pensar que isso significava que a pessoa era tímida, mas respeitosa e aberta.
Eu costumava pensar que um monte de coisas. Coisas que me faziam sorrir ... coisas fascinantes sobre a nossa condição humana, coisas maravilhosas. Mas está a ficar ... tão difícil. 

Um miúdo pega numa arma e mata metade de uma escola. O que raio é isto que estamos a viver?? Qual é a regra ou padrão? Qual é a razão ??
É algo que cuja crença, sofrimento, fé ou magoa não pode compreender ou alcançar. Ele sacode-nos na nossa mais enraizada fundação.

Eu gostaria que eles pudessem ver o que eu vejo, eu gostaria que eles pudessem sentir o que eu sinto e seus corações aquecerem como o meu com felicidade de cada vez que uma criança sorri, de cada vez que soltamos uma gargalhada do disparate de um amigo, quando uma mãe sorri para um pai no dia de graduação do seu filho, como se dissesse  "nós conseguimos", ou quando o neto pergunta ao avô "o que é uma cassete de vídeo?"

Todos nós temos famílias ou pessoas que amamos, que tipo de alma perdida estaria disposta a fazer coisas tão horríveis como acabar com a vida das pessoas simplesmente por raiva, vingança ou religião, apenas para causar ainda mais dor?

Eu simplesmente não entendo, acho que nunca vou conseguir. E tenho a sorte de trabalhar com arte e criatividade, porque vou precisar de muita para pintar um mundo que  valha o sorriso do meu filho.


  1. Like your first chronicle, this left me speechless. As you said, sometimes it is so hard. Is this the new reality? Diogo, your words stir up thoughts & feelings so hard to fathom. But this I know, your smiles warm up our days and lighten up our lives. And I thank you for that����

  2. The truth of your words cut like a knife! The feeling of confusion and hopelessness is ultimately what we are left with in the wake of such nonsense. I struggle as well to explain why people do such things like this to my daughter. When you find out friend you let me know and I will follow your example of how to explain what evil looks like in our complicated world.

  3. É difícil sorrir nestes tempos que estamos a passar, por todo o mundo, inclusive o nosso Portugal. Adorei a frase em que dizes "É verdade, para mim não há nada mais fascinante do que o sorriso de alguém ... Para mim sorriso de uma pessoa pode dizer mais sobre ela do que qualquer coisa que essa pessoa poderia dizer." Para mim um sorriso vale mais do mil palavras.

  4. Vivo assustada por tudo o que foi referido e por mais... pois a todo este medo alia-se o de criar um filho neste "Novo Mundo" onde por mais que façamos o melhor que podemos e sabemos, a incerteza certa do futuro leva-me a questionar: e se um dia for o meu filho uma das vítimas? E se for o meu filho um dos culpados?? Até corta a respiração só de imaginar... Assusta tanto!!

  5. Sobre o sorriso tenho um poema: Aquele sorriso...

    Por mais passagem dolorosa
    Por mais escorregadio o piso
    Para conseguir sair vitoriosa
    É-me suficiente aquele sorriso

    Não há nada mais poderoso
    Do que o sorriso de quem amamos
    Só de lembrar é tão saboroso
    E segue-nos para onde quer que vamos

    Até de um estranho
    Um sorriso na altura certa
    É sempre um ganho
    É sempre uma porta aberta

    No mais negro dos momentos
    Quando já te doem os pensamentos
    Podes daí sair e sentir o paraíso
    Basta cruzares-te com aquele sorriso

  6. Querido Diogo,

    Desde ja, parabéns pela coragem de traduzir os seus pensamentos. Sei o quanto da trabalho sobretudo quando se escrevem essas emoçoẽs vindas do coração. Faz vivê-las outra vez.

    Li tudo, menos por ser sua fã (por uma vez) e mais por necessidade de solidariedade. Porque ajuda saber que não estamos a sofrer so.
    Percebo tanto essa falta de vontade de sorrir. Vivendo aqui, em Paris, sorrir nos dias depois era impossivel para mim. Quando via alguem sorrir, perguntava-me como é que consegue ? Como tem essa força ? E então rir. São gestos tão simples, tão naturais ao ser humano. Naquele momento até pensava nunca mais iria conseguir. Mas acontece, o rizo volta. No principio senti culpa. E depois necessidade. Porque ha demasiado informação, demasiado medo, demasiada tristeza. A vida continua e precisamos de viver. Ver as pessoas a andarem na rua, nas lojas da-me força. Eles conseguem, eles andam, tal vez com medo mas não o mostram. Pouco a pouco também consigo. E o Diogo também ha de voltar a sorrir.

    Podia escrever-lhe mais mil coisas. Falar-lhe do clima, da politica que se adicionam e me cortam toda a esperança. Podia contar-lhe que ver novelas tem, surprendidamente, ajudado-me a pensar noutras coisas, a não ver armas, a ter a ilusão que tudo acaba bem.

    Eu tão pouco sei perceber essas pessoas que têm mais ou menos a minha idade, que cresceram perto de mim. Tento ler para saber mas a realidade parece de uma complexidade maior que nunca. Por isso vou fazer o que sei, vou sorrir, não me vou preocupar mais com futilidades e vou amar muito.

    E o Diogo, por favor continue. Peço-lhe que use a sua arte porque é o que sabe. Continua a sorrir com esse sorrizo lindo para nos fazer acreditar ou pelo menos deixar de pensar. Continua a sorrir ao seu filho com ainda mais força. Sei que custa, sobretudo não sendo recompensado por palmas. Mas o Diogo recebe muito carinho. E se faltar, esta aqui : o maior sorrizo que possa imaginar para si. Um grande obrigada pelo seu trabalho e sobretudo pela pessoa que estou cada vez mais a descobrir e me da muito orgulho.

    Desculpe os erros mas não podia deixar de lhe escrever em português.

  7. Dear Diogo,

    Another awesome piece you have written. Your questions are much like those of the rest of us trying to understand this "new" world we are living in. How can this be happening? And why? I have much to say on this subject but I will try to make it brief.

    Is this our new reality? At the moment, I think the answer is yes. Does it have to be this way? No, it does not. Evil is trying to take over the world. Nations from all walks of life have to stand up and fight against these horrors and terrorists. We cannot sit idly by and watch our world succumb to this tyranny. The evils behind this are slowly creeping into our every day lives right in front of us to the point that "No Go" Zones are establishing themselves in countries all over the world and the home country is being forced to surrender that territory. Absurdity!This must stop! Evil does not negotiate or compromise in any way, it takes over and destroys. World leaders need to take a stand, fight back and destroy the enemy before they destroy us.

    But beyond using force and crippling them financially, I believe there is something more powerful going on here. There is not only a physical war going on, there is a spiritual one as well. The ideology of these evil terrorists is Satan's plan and creation. And the purpose behind these killings is you either believe and follow their ideology or you must die. I believe most of those that perform these mass killings have been brainwashed so badly that they are no longer able to distinguish human life as valuable and/or have any worth what so ever. These so called "recruits" are being propagandized into believing that they will get many rewards and live in paradise for doing these things. The reality is just the opposite.

    So what is my point? We as Christians have hope, faith, and love in Christ Jesus. We need to share those values with everyone we meet. We are not to live in fear and sorrow. We are here to spread the Word of the Lord and SMILE and love everywhere we go. Even smile to those that don't smile back. They are the ones that need God's love the most. A lot of these "recruits" of terror come from all over the world and most have lives that don't include God what so ever. Most have never heard of Jesus. They are hopeless, desperate, angry, suicidal and think that becoming "one of them" will fulfill those needs. Our world is slowly drifting away from Godly principles and values. If you know those principles you can see the change visibly before your eyes. And as people drift away from Godly values what will take the place of the void in their hearts? Satan's values. A terrible reality, but I speak in truth.

    Don't give up hope in this world Diogo. There are so many things God has given to us to have joy in and smile about. God is in control. His plan is the Perfect Plan. He knows all of what is happening and feels the same pain and sorrow we do. He allows things to happen on earth that most of the time we will never know the reason why. But we as humans, as Christians, need to take a stand and say we won't give into this fear and terror. We cannot allow evil to take over our joy and love for one another. Because that is precisely Satan's plan and I am NOT going to allow him to do that to me.
    But we also need to stay vigilant and be wise in our lives. The sad reality of today's world. God protects His children just like you and I protect our own. Stay true to the Word, study it daily and He will direct your path.

    Love Ya Diogo! God Bless!

    SMILE :)))))


  8. Hi, Diogo: We can each decide to give a smile. Change starts with one, and each of us has something to give. The world needs our smile, our pat on the shoulder, our word of blessing or encouragement. If we don't bring the light, who will? The media wants to spread hopelessness, discouragement and fear. Our hope is in Christ, and according to Romans 5:5, hope does not disappoint. Let's bring the light! Love and blessing to you, Diogo

    Barbara (Texas)

    1. Concordo, não parecem haver razões nem vontade para sorrir...
      Seja maldade ou tolerância de maldade em muitas das suas variadas formas...
      Por exemplo os muitos casos de aparente passividade e até apoio a quem prova não ser de confiança...
      São coisas que aos poucos tornam um simples sorriso numa tarefa quase impossível.
      Às vezes o mal vem do ódio e outras... duma forma errada de gostar...
      Nada disto é simples, ficam tantas perguntas por responder...
      Haverá mais do que um tipo de errado que resulta em níveis diferentes do mal?
      Um que é tolerado com um sorriso impensado de perdão e outro que aterroriza?
      Até que ponto aqueles que por exemplo gostam duma forma distorcida de gostar... ou falham por falta de lealdade - falta de respeito pelos “amigos” - quebram a confiança que lhes foi dada e são ainda assim acarinhados com perdões e mais privilegios desmerecidos? Vez após vez?
      Sim há muitas facetas do mal e muita passividade e tolerância de e por todos os tipos de maldade. Com o tempo isso torna pessoas boas mas que não souberam como protejer o próprio coração, em pessoas amarguradas e com uma medida de ódio e cinismo enquanto as crianças vão aprendendo a passividade e todas as formas erradas de priorizar o perdão e a tolerância...
      Coisas demasiado complicadas que estrangulam os sorrisos..
      que não conseguimos compreender nem explicar ...mas que são vistas, sentidas e profundamente dolorosas.
      Às vezes temos que parar e olhar em volta, ver o que nos rodeia de perto e começar nesse núcleo por eliminar tudo aquilo que algo nos diga que está errado e a dar valor, nutrir e alegrarmo nos por aquilo e aqueles a quem amamos, o resto do mundo tem que vir depois...
      Espero que o seu sorriso volte – e que o seu coração esteja bem protegido – talvez o meu sorriso possa tambem um dia voltar a todos os sitios aonde pertence.

    2. Indeed! As Barbara says, we can GIVE a smile. It may make all the difference in one person's life. ......Nelda

    3. Ss Felinyx I agree and support you and your point of view 100%.

    4. Ss Felinyx Honesty, integrity, & morals have apparently left the building and deception, self-centered, fake personalities and scripted words have taken over. Will truth, respect & trust ever return? Not sure at this point. The genuine, the selfless, the ones desiring only the best are slowly fading away because their hearts are frustrated by what they see and are being trampled on by the loudest, the smug & the privileged. Real smiles have been replaced by fake one. The loyal, the faithful, will always be here for we are the ones who will always remember seeing once was through these now foggy windows & who wait in the hope they will one day be crystal clear again.

    5. OK Lorrie Adams - Thank you for clarifying to me via dm on twitter the meaning of the thoughts you expressed here - I had not seen either of your replies to me until this morning my time - I am so sorry you are feeling that way - but I am glad it has nothing to do with me or anything I have done or said - At the time I wrote my thoughts on the original reply I wrote to Diogo I did not have the time nor the desire to translate into English - and because it is to a certain point just the expression of things I cannot yet fully understand - it is natural that - it may seem to "apply" to other things that other people may be going through - If I ever want to, or feel able to specify more clearly, my original text, I will - Until then it is what it is and I still do not have the desire to translate it. However it is clearly NOT anything to do with the thoughts you expressed in here and in our subsequent chat. I understand how and why you feel like you do - But it is not in my power to help you or to clarify YOUR questions - I truly hope though, that you will find the answers you are looking for - You are a wonderful loyal and faithful fan and I am sure you are loved and appreciated for the fantastic support you constantly give - Kindest Regards SSFelinyx

    6. Vim dar aqui por acaso HOJE porque alguém me havia feito um REPLY, reparei que - em medidas bem diferentes - ambos os nossos textos eram " pesados " mas esta frase é não me sai da cabeça " Sim há muitas facetas do mal e muita passividade e tolerância de e por todos os tipos de maldade. Com o tempo isso torna pessoas boas mas que não souberam como protejer o próprio coração, em pessoas amarguradas ... " É UMA FRASE TÃO MAS TÃO VERDADEIRA ! E com isso perde-se o nosso SORRISO também ! O teu há-de voltar com toda a certeza, acredito verdadeiramente nisso! Bjs

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    8. Obrigada Vanessa. O sorriso é uma das facetas mais persistentes em mim :) E sim tenho altos e baixos como qualquer outra pessoa. Mas o sorriso voltou LOL!! em Phillip Island:):) Eu costumo dizer à minha mãe que o antídoto mais poderoso para as fases menos felizes são as viagens e acredito muito nisso. Saír da rotina - por pouco tempo que seja - inspira-nos pelas coisas novas e positivas que vemos e torna-nos mais conscientes e agradecidos por aquilo que temos na vida - Há muitas coisas que não podemos controlar - pelo menos não de uma forma tão imediata como gostaríamos - como o que aconteceu em Paris - ou coisas talvez menos chocantes - por exemplo - pessoas com quem nos deparamos e em quem observamos a falta de atenção e respeito na maneira como tratam os outros, mesmo as suas amizades mais próximas, ou aqueles a quem dizem amar - referindo-me ao exemplo de formas erradas de "gostar" (Entenda-se que isto é apenas um exemplo e absolutamente não intencionado ou dirigido a nenhuma situação especifica - simplesmente trata-se de algo que me intriga e até certo ponto me afecta no comportamento humano e por isso o referi no texto original.) - Mas há decerto na nossa vida muito mais coisas positivas em que pensar e que podemos fazer - do que aquilo que acreditamos ser possível - especialmente durante fases em estamos um pouco saturados por causa de algum acontecimento trágico no mundo ou simplesmente como consequência de períodos longos demais em que se cai na rotina - ou por cansaço, ou por ter que se passar algum tempo proximo de alguem negativo, etc :):):) Yep :) Keep smiling :) Nunca percas o teu sorriso :)

    9. Infelizmente há coisas que não são tão lineares assim !
      Quem vive do lado precário da vida não pode empreender viagens (por vezes nem a aldeia vizinha) para recuperar o seu sorriso de volta. Muitas pessoas amanhecem todos os dias com o fardo da vida em cima a pesar-lhes e a pensar como irão atravessar e aguentar mais aquele dia. Dizem que o dinheiro não ajuda e nada, eu como utilizo na minha vida o apanágio da " verdade, honestidade e frontalidade acima de tudo " digo-te que muito do mal que ocorre no mundo deve-se a situações precárias de exaustão completa ! Quem não consegue empreender uma viagem para espairecer tem de aguentar com o seu mundo pequenino todos os dias o que - muitas das vezes - leva a situações drásticas, terríveis e humanamente impossíveis: eu acredito nessas pessoas, sabes? Acredito que - em tempos - já foram boas pessoas, que amaram, respeitaram, tinham um sorriso na cara e doavam-se de corpo e alma ! Por isso admiro tanto quem nessas situações se encontra e ainda possuí a capacidade de SORRIR , exibir empatia para com o outro, distribuir simpatia e estar sempre solicito mesmo sem sair da sua aldeiazinha e sem ter um tostão no bolso ! Eu não sou essa pessoa certamente mas admiro de coração quem é capaz de fazê-lo: são os meus verdadeiros ídolos: " os desgraçados da vida que vivem num círco de feras mas ainda sabem doar-se a outros seres humanos " Este texto posteriormente fez-me lembrar uma canção que me está sempre na cabeça " Circo de Feras " dos Xutos " A vida vai torta/ jamais se endireita/ o azar persegue-me/ Esconde-se a espreita/ Eu nunca dei um passo/ Que fosse o correto / Eu nunca fiz nada / Que batesse certo/ E enquanto esperava no fundo da rua / PENSAVA EM TI / E em que sorte era a TUA...

      Eu sempre penso em TI/NELE/NELA/NOUTROS/ e em que sorte é a VOSSA !

      Beijos de Portugal !

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  12. " Let your smile change the world but never let the world change your smile. "

    I had the same reaction when I first read about “ Paris attack”....what? why? what is this? What kind of ill-minded people would do such things? Oh No....I was trying to “understand” but I couldn’t at all....I felt sick....

    I understand that there has been a lot worse going on some part of the earth...which I can never even imagine....

    However, I think “Paris Attack” was more shocking and struck everybody because Paris is the symbolic city of peace, art, romance, liberty, one of the best travel destinations to us ALL...And, it again reminded me of September 11th New York attack... which I never forget.

    It is indeed fearful because there is no safe zone any more. One ordinary daily routine can turn into a sad tragic event...I think that really bothered me and made me feel afraid in some way...

    One of my dearest friends I admire, lives in suburbs of Paris. As soon as I read the news regarding “Paris attack”, I first contacted her and I was so relieved to find out that she and all her family members were OK.

    I asked her if she & her family were going to stay inside over the weekend since the streets of Paris were not safe yet.

    “No.” she said.... “ we are going to go out, visit the Paris Attack sites, show our love & grief to those victims, face the reality and then do our weekend routines which are going to the old French farmers’ markets & family restaurants where all Parisians gather and spend their weekends.”

    I asked her “ Aren’t you afraid? Those terrorist fugitives are still out there and it is not safe yet to do that.”

    Her response was “ The terrorism is all about playing with fear & hate! We are not afraid and our daily routine & peace will not be interrupted by those monsters’ action. I & we as French people refuse to do so.”

    Next morning, I found out that she went out with her husband, son & daughter to old French farmer’s market and she snapped a photo and sent it to me about the market with so many Parisians, who were spending their ordinary weekend mornings as if nothing happened...she later told me that people SMILED MORE at each other that morning, knowing what had happened the other night.

    I asked her “how can it be possible?”

    She said “ well, once we are afraid, start to fear and stop doing what we normally do...then, we lose! We let those ill-minded terrorists win because those reactions are exactly what they wanted. They are there to ruin our peace and let us afraid of them, create hate, and not trust one another.”

    Right after Paris attack, the Parisians' first message on the news paper was “we are not afraid!” And, all French went out to the attack sites, showed their grief to those victims, still went on with their daily routine and did what they normally do.

    I think that positive attitudes with strength speak themselves and remind us one very important thing here.


  13. After reading your blog, somehow, I ended up thinking about the movie “ The Fifth Element” directed by Luc Besson, one of my favorite movies.

    In that movie, a pure & innocent being learns about all beautiful, exciting, fun things that exist on the earth and she gets so excited to live.

    Then, in the process of learning the earthly languages, she learns about and faces with all sorts of extreme negativity such as death, war, crime, terror and so on. After seeing all those negative sides of human beings, she lose any hope to live thinking there is no purpose to continue to live as everything perishes and dies at the end anyway.

    The journey to find the fifth element is quite interesting. I recommend you guys to watch it. :)

    In any event, the reason I brought the movie here is that.. “which we chose to focus on”... is quite important to live our lives...I find.

    I think it is all about the choices we make...whether we focus on positive side or negative side of the series of events we face in our everyday lives.

    On daily basis, wherever we go, all worldwide news media are filled with all horrific news; something horrible happened somewhere on the earth... Unfortunately, they are not in our control even though we all wish & hope they would just stop....

    Some people chose only to post all those accidents and horrible events & news at their SNS on daily basis and they basically feed their followers with all sorts of horrific crimes....I understand the intention but not every day do I wanna see it?!

    I personally oppose that as we have more than enough media talking about them all day & night long. If we start focusing on all those horrific events & news, then we probably lose our hope to live....just live in bitterness & hate by numbing our hearts & senses...

    According to news media, all those terrorists did these horrific things because they wanted to catch the world’s attention; they wanted for us to recognize their existence and what they did and be afraid of them and live our lives in fear & hate.

    Since those terrorists wanted our attention and that’s why they killed those innocent citizens in Paris, I refuse to see or to give any attention to any terrorist’s photos nor their existence as they do not deserve anybody’s attention.

    To be honest, I do not think, that terrorist’s photo is not worthy to be posted on your precious blog that’s what he wanted...he wanted to be famous and recognized to global citizens in such a wrong way...So I despise his smile.

    Instead, I focus on these victims’ smiles....which the media neglected to focus on.

    If you visit here, you can see how each of them had a full of lives ahead and they smile out loud as if saying “life is so beautiful"


    And, I chose to remember those victims’ smiles, instead, because I know that it would have been "me" if I were could have been anybody that day....

    So, I live & will live my day feeling grateful and appreciate what I have and go on with my life and cherish what my life has to offer....the life those victimized people wanted to live....the life they couldn’t live....the life that was taken away by the delusional nonsense & craziness....


  14. Lastly, I would like to share this video clip & interview article with you of the most heart touching interviews I have ever watched.


    It is quite heartwarming moment how a little Parisian boy was so afraid of those terrorists with guns right after paris attack happened....

    Then, as soon as he heard from his dad that there are more people out there with flowers and candle lights, that those loving and caring people will protect us all and that it is ok to go home....the boy finally SMILES with relief.

    And, THAT IS what we gotta do and explain to our next generation.

    At the end, LOVE wins. Flowers and candle lights will protect us all as we will persevere and be stronger and smile more and take care of each other more than ever before.

    So, Dear Diogo, let your smile continuously change the world...please do not let these horrific events stop doing what you have been doing....your positivity, mine and ours all together can contribute to change the world a little by a little....

    And I remain hopeful.

    Mes pensées et prières vont aux victimes et leurs familles à Paris.

    _(())_ Pray For Paris

  15. Dear Diogo,, My Italian Nona would say to you, Diogo Miguel Morgado
    don't let that miserable diablo frighten you. This is still Gods world, and he will never leave us orphaned. We must Pray. It was my first thought after reading your reflection, oh, we need to pray.
    So I prayed for the fear I could sense coming from you. I prayed for you and your wife and son that God would shield you in everything, and everywhere you go. If I could I would wrap my arms around you and all of who are afraid now...only Jesus has arms big enough for that. Our hope is in God, and as trite as that may sound, it is the only way to forgive those lunatics, and pray for them. Remember what you said in your beautiful vision of Jesus...don't be afraid, everything is possible with God. I am an old soul that believes nothing is impossible with Jesus...Anyway I am a relentless fan who loves your work, and your life. Be at peace, and be still and know He is your God. Amen

    Sherry Christ

  16. For two days what I wrote revolves in my consciousness
    It seems that I sounded one cold-hearted woman with an empty soul
    But the truth is that my message, apart from political or religious opinions, is very simple: we cannot give in to fear! I lived in a rich block on the seafront in the middle of lust and I had everything.
    One day in the middle of an argument, I left home without a penny on my pocket and I left everything behind. I moved to a neighborhood where there were gang wars, different ethnicities, robberies, quarrels. I learned to live with fear ! My life changed abruptly ! One day, two guys caught me (perhaps in an attempt of robbery) One leaned against my neck with a knife , the other one pulled a gun over my head, something not very usual in Portugal. That day I discovered a coldness in me that I did not know. My body did not tremble nor wavered. I just thought if I was going to be kidnapped, raped, beaten or killed but somehow I was calm! Eventually, I was saved!
    But that day I cut my long blond hair on my room with my own hands and one scissors and I started dressing like a boy (panic consumed me), full of fear of being recognized as a women and attacked! I saw quarrels of gangs and I had to move forward cause I couldn`t do nothing... For four years I lived with that fear and this way. Thought my life has changed I still live with that same fear and for that reason I seemed so mad, so angry, frustrated and rebellious on the text concerning Paris cause I was always on the edge, being pushed over the borderline, so my life experience is quite different of those readers above (I guess)! Sometimes I just look at the sky and question myself if God exists ! I never found an answer to that question ! But I did not want to seem disrespectful to you in my testimony and such were consuming my head, heart & soul! Do not give into fear! Cause give into fear is the victory of evil over good ! Don´t let it bring you down´Diogo !

    1. Palavras profundas e marcantes as tuas Vanessa. Obrigada por partilhares.

      Festas felizes!!

    2. Palavras profundas e marcantes as tuas Vanessa. Obrigada por partilhares.

      Festas felizes!!

  17. Caro Diogo , Já tinha a impressão de que é um excelente profissional , um homem que ama o que faz , e tem na humildade e empenho a força para exercer o seu poder criativo , o seu talento nato. Neste artigo sentimos a sensibilidade , daquele que crê num mundo melhor , ... e acredito que tem razão , apesar do mundo ser o que é , temos todos a possibilidade de o tornar melhor , começando por aí : por um simples sorriso ... obrigado.

  18. Num mundo cada vez mais minado pela maldade e corrupção, se não continuarmos a insistir no nosso sorriso e tentar fazer a nossa parte para um mundo melhor, quem fará? Se cada um fe nós plantar um pouco da sua bondade e do seu sorriso, conseguiremos levar isto para a frente. Aprsar de tudo, temos de ter fé em nós e no futuro dos nosso filhos.
    Muitos parabens pelo blog e pela carreira maravilhosa.

  19. I can understand these words so much. I live in Belgium, and i remember exactly this day when Brussels was hit at two different places at the same time (Aeroport and Underground).I work in a flowershop, and saw people lost their smile, and begin paranoid. Everybody looking suspiciously at everybody. Some of them, even didn't wanted to go out, travel, or take the subway to go to work. I will never understand the terrorist's smile, as i will never understand people who smile at each revendication in the streets, because for me, revendications and despair never goes with a smile! But this smile, thats a reality, as it was a crual realitiy when all these soldiars of Ponce Pilate , serving Caesar, smiled and joked badly while Jesus were suffering terribly. But life always get up from this, life always ends to get up again, and continue his way. I felt it in my city, its not that they forgot what happened, its just that life has to continue , life wants to continue

    "I wish" too that "one day, they could see" what I see too, I wish one day, "they could feel what I feel" too, and one day, "their hearts would warm up with happiness every time a child smiles", just like yours does, Mister.
    Because it is that Jesus's smile, showed by you in "SON OF GOD" that precisely touched me in that so beautiful movie and that i will never forget. It is that smile, who made me feel how Jesus was with humans! How good and forgiving, and in the same time , so furious!
    How could have keep smiling the mother of Jesus, while she had to Watch his unique son walk to the death? We can't smile when we see so many acts of injustice, violence and horror. Thats impossible. But we , who still alive, can keep smiling all around us, from our microlifes....This will never make us becoming insensitive, dormant, unconcerned or unconscious, only the opposit! We can only set Jesus's smile against the terrorist"s smile. This is our best wepion, one of the best blessing which can show light in the dark (i can see and experience it each day at the flowershop : when you smile at people, and talk kindly to them, it changes everything, even if some of them still showing a strange and contraried face!)
